Posted tagged ‘Ballots’

Why Rob Smith Can NOT be Secretary of State Part 1

October 9, 2007

Rob Smith is a joke, I don’t know why I waste my time writing about a guy who voted AGAINST making sure that people with disabilities are allowed to vote, AGAINST making sure that our military who is fighting overseas could have their absentee ballots counted and also OPPOSED cleaning deceased voters from Mississippi’s rolls.

Truthfully I am nervous that Hosemann may be too nice to go negative and expose this Joker for who he really is. So until he does I guess I just have to keep Blogging about my lack of respect for Rob Smith.

Listen up folks we have a race with a CONTRAST and it is the issue of Voter ID.

Hosemann vs. Smith has been a yawner of a race, since Smith hardly seems legitimate, it is however a race worth noting because the candidates have actually drawn a line in the sand over multiple issues, chief among them being voter ID. Hosemann (and anyone with half a brain) supports a voter ID to reduce election fraud, amazingly Rob Smith is violently against voter identification and I cant seem to understand why.


Rob Smith: “Voter ID and re-registration by party will cause major disruption in elections. He said the Voter ID requirement will stop people from voting. He also said the timing, in an election year for president, is horrible. He said he is most concerned about elderly people trying to vote next year.” Laurel Leader Call October 7th 2007

Delbert Hosemann:“said he is finding little public opposition to Voter ID, and reminds people that 97 percent of voters have a driver’s license. He said the other three percent should be able to use other forms of identification, but the state must be careful to not leave anyone out of elections. “If there’s one vote out there without ID, we need to find them,” Hosemann said. Biloxi Sun Herald, October 4th 2007

Rob Smith: Many older black Mississippians say providing voter identification is a reminder of the civil rights era when the state used techniques such as poll taxes to keep blacks from voting. Hattiesburg American Sept 19th 2007

Delbert Hosemann:Considering 97 percent of voters already have a driver’s license or other picture identification in their wallets when they go to vote, Delbert Hosemann, a Republican candidate for secretary of state, believes implementing a program requiring voter identification is only natural. Columbus Dispatch October 2, 2007

Rob Smith: Voter ID is “serious disenfranchisement.” Jackson Free Press August 1st 2007

Delbert Hosemann: “I will lead a fight to pass a constitutional voter ID program, which will ensure that only citizens are allowed to vote” Laurel Leader Call September 29th 2007

So there you go, a little old fashioned DIFFERENCE between 2 candidates.

Every single one of my left wing friends and yellow dog friends strongly support voter ID. Rob Smith is obviously out of touch with the needs of Mississippi Citizens. Voter ID standards were set out in HAVA in 2002 and passed the supreme court. Everyone knows that Voter ID is common sense, the way Mississippi elections are run now, anyone who knows your name and address can go vote in your place.

Even the public perception that voter fraud is rampant is reason enough to install safeguards to stop it. People need to be empowered to vote not discouraged that their vote does not count or could easily be stolen.

Rob Smith a very scary kind of candidate, he is so wrong and so backwards on so many issues that he makes me scratch my head in disbelief.

Vote “No” on Rob Smith November 6th -ROM