Delta Editor Calls Luckett “rookie politician” whose words “insult voters”

Tim Kalich, editor of the Greenwood Commonwealth, wrote about the recent Delta Council meeting and noted the absence of  “Bill Luckett, the Clarksdale attorney who has drawn headlines as a possible Democratic gubernatorial candidate.”

Kalich looks at Luckett’s recent not-ready-for-prime-time goof.

Luckett was sounding like a rookie politician last week when he explained his affiliation with the Democratic Party. He told the Associated Press he couldn’t see how anyone with any sensitivity growing up in Delta could be otherwise “unless you’re just a racist or something.”

It’s not smart, though, to insult voters he would need to have in a governor’s race. Luckett only has to look at recent election results. Nine of 10 offices — state and federal — elected statewide are held by Republicans. Even when the rest of the nation trended Democratic during the 2008 presidential election, Mississippi stayed solidly in the GOP column.

The only way for a Democrat to win statewide office these days is to woo GOP crossover votes. Calling them racist is not a particularly effective pickup line.

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