Bill Luckett Fundraiser Calls Mississippians “mule-headed bunch of farmers”

Our favorite Democratic candidate for governor is back, this time he doesn’t have his foot in his mouth, he has his business partner and chief fundraiser’s foot in his mouth.

Bill Luckett’s business partner, movie star Morgan Freeman, told the Associated Press he is supporting Luckett because: “Reform in Mississippi is hard because the base stock of this state is a mule-headed bunch of farmers.  Those farmers have ruled the roost for so long because this is an agricultural state.”

Freeman sent a fundraising letter which said, “Holding on to the old politics of race, class and region has starved Mississippi for too long.” Freeman is a host of cocktail party fundraiser in Los Angeles, California next week for Luckett who wants to use that Hollywood money to buy Mississippi’s Governor’s mansion.

This is going to be fun.

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6 Comments on “Bill Luckett Fundraiser Calls Mississippians “mule-headed bunch of farmers””

  1. Mule headed farmer Says:

    I love it! Didn’t Luckett all-ready say any one in MS that was a Repub was raaacist?

  2. Lamon Griggs Says:

    I responded to the Associated Press about a week after I read the Morgan Freeman comment. Apparently, Freeman and Luckett spend a great deal of time together, whining when things are not their way. Both have a habit of using disparaging remarks about “the common people”. Take Freeman and his “mule-headed bunch of farmers” comment. Real cute, but Freeman is no Samuel L. Jackson, either. All he really knows how to do is “drive Miss Daisy”. And after his little delta episode that his attorney friend helped him out of months ago, I’m not sure Miss Daisy would care for him to shuffle her around anymore.

    Now comes political wanna-be Bill Luckett. When he loses his way, he tends to call good citizens called to perform jury duty “a bunch of unsophisticated citizens”. And courtroom spectators are classified as “spies”. Luckett can not appropriately represent the “common people”.

    It is always someone else’s fault when cry-baby Bill don’t get his way. I had to look at the sulky face on that creep for five days, enough to be sick of my stomach with his whining and twisting of any truth whatsoever.

    Mule headed bunch of farmers vs. lawyers. Give me the mule headed bunch of farmers any day. Count the lawyers we have at the capital now. There are so many, most don’t have a good private practice, so they turn to politics to keep from suing each other. At least we could use good common sense and not the twisting of words.

    I suppose what is considered celebrity status and a lawyer/businessman feel they can look down their nose and say whatever they want. It’s nothing more than plain ole arrogant ignorance. Freeman and Luckett both should get lost in California. Good people in Mississippi are not yet ready for that kind of representation.

  3. Donna54 Says:

    Mississippians, BLACK AND WHITE, will be wise to kick both Luckett and Freeman to the curve. They both sound like major “whores” and will bring nothing but shame and disgust to the region. MORGAN FREEMAN already has with his whorish antics (he’s also screwing his so-called business partner Lori McCreary). It would be interesting to hear what his former wife Myrna-Colley Lee would have to say about BOTH of them pimps (Freeman and Luckett). Freeman thinks because he has money he can hook up with a white Mississippian and “preach” and insult the citizens of Mississippi. They need to run his black behind up a Confederate Flag Pole – LOL!

    And for someone who was on TV in front of Mike Wallace saying the way to end “racism” is to quit talking about it–Freeman sure talks about it a lot and even made a documentary about it. Now he’s in Canada running off at the mouth about race–liar!

    No–Mississippians–it’s time to put those TWO OLD WHORES to rest. And quit supporting Ground Zero and their restaurant Madidi–Ground Zero isn’t anything but a whores’ den for old, old black men and old, old, confederate white women–ask Mary Joyce Hays and DeMaris Meyers – lol.

  4. […] his campaign by his business partners’ oft-reported on remarks about Mississippians being “mule-headed farmers” – a reference to Delta politics that hasn’t been an aspect in statewide politics for […]

  5. christopher Says:

    morgan freeman is absolutely correct,mississippian’s are definitely antiquated in there thinking.the poorest anglo saxon’s in the country has alway’s lived in the south, mississippi,alabama,louisiana,arkansas,georgia,south carolina, north carolina, virginia.has the largest anglo migrant’s of broke republicans. they are not republicans but they fill being called republican is a status symbol of success we have arrived. republicans freed the slaves because republicans understand how and when it’s time to take care of business.these anglo republiacans in the southern states don’t understand if you’re not a business owner, or ceo or someone making a high income you’re not republican either. the republican party does not benefit you in any way.the anglo southerns are true democrats whether they admit it or not.they are poor broke, over extended in credit. hey anglo’s if your are making payment’s on your house or car. you are people buy homes everyday because thay are liquid.only 1% of us citizen’s are true republicans.and believe me you can coun’t the number of republican’s on your hand in broke as mississippi.

  6. […] Morgan Freeman demonstrated disrespect and a lack of political understanding of Mississippi when he told the Associated Press he is supporting Luckett because: “Reform in Mississippi is hard because the base stock of this state is a mule-headed bunch of farmers.  Those farmers have ruled the roost for so long because this is an agricultural state.”Freeman sent a fundraising letter which said, “Holding on to the old politics of race, class and region has starved Mississippi for too long.” (Our post on that here.) […]

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